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Handover of the EU Council Presidency from Sweden to Spain

Last updated: 2023-07-06

On 16th of June at Rånäs castle outside of Stockholm, Joakim Stymne, the Director General of Statistics Sweden and the Chair for the Swedish Presidency Team on Statistics handed over the Presidency baton to Elena Manzanera, President of INE in Spain.

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This meeting symbolized the official handover of the Presidency from one country to the other and from the previous Trio to the next. From 1 July 2023, the Working Party on statistics will be chaired by the Spanish Statistical Office - INE.

At the meeting, France, Czechia, and Sweden concluded their Presidencies with presentations and reflected on the lessons learned. The upcoming Presidencies of Spain, Belgium and Hungary presented their plans. Mariana Kotzeva, the Director General of Eurostat reflected over the co-operation with the previous Presidencies and plans for the upcoming legislative processes in the ESS.