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Production of cereals, dried pulses and oilseeds 2022. Preliminary statistics for the whole country

Crop production higher than last year

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2022-11-15 8.00

The total cereal production for the year is estimated at 5.8 million tonnes, which is 16 percent more than last year. The total production is also 10 percent more than the average in the last five years, of which 2018 stands out with crop failure due to drought. In 2022, weather was more favourable during crop season, especially for spring-sown crops.

Cold weather and rainfall during winter and spring, hampered growth of autumn-sown crops. Some crop areas needed to be resown in springtime with spring-sown crops. For remaining crop areas of autumn-sown cereals the yield per hectare was somewhat higher than in 2021. Yield per hectare for spring-sown cereal crops increased with 34-46 percent, compared to last year’s crop.

Oilseed rape and oilseed turnip rape harvest increased 20 percent

The preliminary estimate of the total production of oilseed rape and oilseed turnip rape is 413 500 tonnes, which is 20 percent more than a year ago. At the national level, the yield per hectare of winter rape, which is the dominant crop, was in same level as in 2021.

Total harvest of peas is 59 percent more than last year

The total production of peas is estimated at 88 800 tonnes, which is 59 percent more than last year’s harvest and 35 percent above the five-year average. The preliminary estimate of the total production of field beans is 74 400 tonnes, which is 52 percent more than last year’s total harvest and 19 percent above the five-year average. The yields per hectare for both peas and field beans were 46 percent higher than in 2021.

Statistical databases

Time series with the final harvest statistics are available in Statistics Sweden’s Statistical Database ( and the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s statistical database ( The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s statistical database also contains preliminary harvest statistics. Time series on harvest statistics are available from 1913 onwards for some of the crops.


A more detailed report of this survey is available in a statistics report on the Swedish Board of Agriculture website:

Skörd av spannmål, trindsäd och oljeväxter 2022. Preliminär statistik för län och riket (Swedish)

Next publishing will be

These preliminary statistics are based on data from a subsample of 1 112 farms. More accurate results based on the entire sample of 4 449 farms will be presented on 14 December. The results will then also be published by county and by the eight production areas of agriculture.

Information on autumn-sown areas in 2022 will be published on 30 November.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Swedish Board of Agriculture

+46 36 15 50 00


Ann-Marie Karlsson

+46 36 15 59 33


SCB, Agriculture and Energy Statistics Unit

701 89 Örebro


Gerda Ländell

+46 10 479 68 07