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Changes in PPI as of 2020

Major changes in the production of the Producer and Import Price Index (PPI) as from 2020 are presented below.

Modified index calculation for Services Producer Price Index (SPPI)

As from the first quarter of 2020, the calculation method for the Services Producer Price Index is changed at the most basic level. This entails that prices are weighted arithmetically rather than geometrically. This adjustment was made following a discussion in the CPI Committee and the assessment is that the effect on SPPI will be relatively minor. This means that from the first quarter of 2020, the calculations for all price indices within the PPI are uniform.

More detailed weights to be published

As from January 2020 and onwards, the level of detail for reporting of weight shares in the PPI will be expanded. Weight shares for all published product groups will be reported to two decimal places for all markets. The weight shares will be published in the Statistics Database under SPIN 2015, by year.

Fuel prices

As from January 2021, Statistics Sweden will no longer produce the Fuel Price Report, which includes average prices, including and excluding taxes, for Diesel MK1 and Heating Oil. This report will be delivered to existing customers in 2020.