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Production of disintegrated unprocessed wood fuel, annual

Statistics Sweden conducts the survey Production of disintegrated unprocessed wood fuel on behalf of the Swedish Energy Agency. The purpose of the survey is to obtain knowledge of the use and production of unprocessed wood fuel and its origin (direct from the forests, sawmills, imports, exports, etc.). The collection of data comes from enterprises that produce or deal with disintegrated unprocessed wood fuel, that is, wood chips, sawdust, cutter shavings, bark, firewood etc.

The information is used to follow up measures for energy and forestry policy, analyses of the energy situation in society, international statistical reporting and as a basis for statistics about forestry.

Your response

The obligation to provide information is mandatory under Swedish law (Official Statistics Act (2001:99) and Swedish Energy Agency Regulations (STEMFS 2014:1).
The information you submit is protected according to Chapter 24, Section 8 of the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400).

Publishing of the results

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