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Household financial transactions, Q4 2022–Q4 2023

Transactions, SEK millions

  2022 2023
  Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Currency 340 ‑763 21 ‑3 413 3 409
Deposits ‑3 523 ‑10 446 49 126 654 ‑12 437
Bank deposits ‑9 432 ‑10 810 48 767 ‑1 837 ‑17 343
Capital investments in tax account and national debt savings[1] 1 077 232 ‑454 ‑126 365
Other deposits 4 832 132 813 2 617 4 541
Bonds 969 1 236 551 127 2 179
Lottery bonds[2] 0 0 0 0 0
Structured products 969 1 236 551 127 2 179
Directly owned shares 3 612 24 529 19 192 13 673 14 374
Swedish listed shares ‑12 163 4 479 6 753 5 130 ‑517
Swedish unlisted shares 16 461 17 958 11 909 10 567 15 975
Foreign shares ‑686 2 092 530 ‑2 024 ‑1 084
Funds ‑7 201 35 513 48 912 10 779 2 024
Swedish-registered funds ‑9 732 26 934 34 677 8 213 2 493
Equity funds 4 257 15 188 19 629 5 090 3 516
Bond and money market funds ‑1 144 705 1 488 176 884
Other funds ‑12 845 11 041 13 560 2 947 ‑1 907
Foreign-registered funds 2 531 8 579 14 235 2 566 ‑469
Tenant ownership rights 17 843 15 951 16 169 12 614 15 078
Holiday homes abroad[3] 2 274 ‑503 ‑503 ‑503 ‑496
Private insurance savings ‑9 305 13 885 7 918 3 853 ‑13 455
Swedish ‑9 188 13 942 7 566 3 412 ‑13 607
Non-unit-linked ‑7 942 12 467 7 159 3 034 ‑11 806
Unit-linked ‑1 246 1 475 407 378 ‑1 801
Foreign ‑117 ‑57 352 441 152
Occupational pensions 38 181 41 271 64 981 44 130 40 266
Non-unit-linked 23 648 29 754 40 779 29 814 25 548
Unit-linked 14 533 11 517 24 202 14 316 14 718
Premium pensions 14 879 14 302 28 751 16 047 19 661
Other insurance technical reserves[4] ‑3 120 13 132 3 713 ‑5 353 ‑5 952
Accruals, assets[5] 32 881 15 143 41 114 ‑59 065 10 382
Other financial assets 673 730 148 ‑619 1 050
Total financial assets 88 503 163 980 280 093 32 924 76 083
Individual financial assets excluding accruals 5 682 80 132 141 534 37 165 11 726
Loans 17 943 6 400 14 641 10 330 946
Loans in banks and housing credit institutions 11 947 707 14 862 9 234 ‑739
Student loans, Government 3 139 5 063 790 2 457 4 330
Other loans 2 857 630 ‑1 011 ‑1 361 ‑2 645
Accruals, liabilities[6] 5 074 640 5 103 ‑655 3 095
Other liabilities 0 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities 23 017 7 040 19 744 9 675 4 041
Liabilities excluding accruals 17 943 6 400 14 641 10 330 946
Financial savings 65 486 156 940 260 349 23 249 72 042
Liquid savings [7] ‑12 261 73 732 126 893 26 835 10 780

1) New transactions made by households to the Swedish Tax Agency since the fourth quarter of 2015 (considered as savings) are included here. The Swedish National Debt Office is phasing out the savings form National Debt Savings.

2) Lottery bonds are being phased out as a saving. The last issued lottery bonds will mature in 2021.

3) According to the National Accounts manual ESA 2010, Swedish households cannot own real assets such as real estate abroad; ownership of real estate abroad is instead registered as a financial asset abroad (ESA 2010 sections 7.76 and 18.15). Swedish households' real assets in Sweden are not included in the Savings Barometer, which only shows households' financial assets.

4) Non-life insurance technical reserves and entitlements to non-pension benefits.

5) Other accounts receivable.

6) Other accounts payable.

7) Liquid savings are excluding savings in occupational pensions, premium pensions, other insurance technical reserves and accruals net.

Definitions and explanations

- Magnitude nil

. Category not applicable

.. Data not available or too uncertain to be stated

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