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Statistical news

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  • 93 000 inhabitants on islands without mainland connection

    There are permanent residents on more than 500 Swedish islands that do not have a mainland connection by bridge. Most of these islands are located in Sweden’s coastal areas. In the period from 2010 to 2020, the number of islands without a bridge connection decreased by 37 islands. At the same period, the number of residents on these islands have increased by nearly 4,000 persons.

  • More than 90 000 persons live on islands without a mainland connection by bridge

    There are permanent residents on more than 500 Swedish islands that do not have a mainland connection by bridge. Most of these islands are located in Sweden’s coastal areas. In the period from 2010 to 2018, the number of residents on islands without a bridge connection increased by nearly 3 000 persons.

  • Building continues in areas close to the water

    During the period 2010–2014 nearly 57 000 new buildings were completed in Sweden. Of these buildings, 15 percent were within 100 metres of the water. This is the zone that usually consists of shoreline protection areas. During the period 2006-2009, the new buildings close to the shoreline comprised 16 percent of all buildings.

  • 3 percent of Sweden's land area consists of islands

    Sweden has nearly 270 000 islands. Most of the islands are in Norrbotten County, followed by Stockholm County and Västra Götaland County. 38 percent of all the islands are situated in the seas (sea islands). Stockholm County has the largest share of sea islands, 93 percent.

  • 40 percent of coastal areas affected by building development

    Along 40 percent of Sweden's coastal areas, including the larger islands, buildings are found within 100 metres. 74 percent of the coastal areas have buildings within 300 metres from the coastline.