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  • Mostly upside in the business sector during the second year of the pandemic

    The Swedish business sector recovered strongly in 2021. Value added increased with 12 percent and amounted to SEK 3 015 billion. Some of the industries that increased their value added significantly between 2020 and 2021 were Amusement parks and theme parks, Medical laboratories, Publishing of computer games, Sawmilling, and Mining of iron ores.

  • Strong recovery in the business sector

    The Swedish business sector recovered strongly in 2021. Net turnover increased with SEK 971 billion and amounted to over SEK 10 000 billion for the first time. Number of employees increased with 2.7 percent, or 77 000 full-time persons, and was again at the same level as before the Corona pandemic.

  • Varying developments in the business sector in the first year of the pandemic

    The enterprises in the business sector reduced their value added by 2.6 percent, and net turnover by 3.0 percent between 2019 and 2020. There was a large variation between industries. The industry for airlines decreased net turnover by 51.5 percent, and operating margin with 21 percentage points to -22.7 percent in 2020. The industry for pharmaceuticals on the other hand, increased their net turnover by 43.4 percent and had a continued high operating margin (28.1 percent).

  • Varying developments in the business sector in the first year of the pandemic

    Net turnover among the enterprises in the business sector fell by SEK 292 billion (equivalent to 3.1 percent) and the number of employees decreased by 74 000 people (equivalent to 2.5 percent) in 2020 compared with 2019. There was a large variation between industries. Net turnover fell by 61 percent among travel agencies and tour operators and by 54 percent for airlines. Manufacture of medical and dental equipment rose sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic and increased net turnover by 17 percent.

  • Growth in the business sector before the pandemic

    Net turnover among enterprises in the business sector increased by 4 percent and the number of employees increased by 1 percent in 2019 compared with 2018. Net turnover in enterprises in the publishing industry, including publishers of computer games and software, increased by 36 percent between 2014 and 2019. The number of employees in the beverages and tobacco industries increased by 16 percent in the same period.