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Labour Force Surveys (LFS), June 2018:

Increase in the number of employees

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2018-07-26 9.30

In June 2018, there were 5 197 000 employed persons aged 15–74, not seasonally adjusted. This was an increase of 68 000 persons compared with June 2017. The number of employees increased by 81 000 and amounted to 4 708 000. The number of hours worked averaged 158.3 million per week. Furthermore, there were 403 000 unemployed persons, which corresponds to an unemployment rate of 7.2 percent. Smoothed and seasonally adjusted data shows a continued increase in the employment rate and an unemployment rate amounting to 6.2 percent.

In June 2018, there were 5 197 000 employed persons aged 15─74, not seasonally adjusted, which was an increase of 68 000 compared with June 2017. The number of employed women was 2 468 000 and the number of employed men increased by 51 000 to 2 728 000. The employment rate was 69.7 percent. Among men, the employment rate was 72.0 percent and among women, it was 67.3 percent. Smoothed and seasonally adjusted data shows a continued increase in the number of employed persons and in the employment rate compared with recent months. In June 2018, there were 5 106 000 employed persons, which corresponds to an employment rate of 68.5 percent.

The number of employees aged 15─74 increased by 81 000 to 4 708 000 in June 2018, compared with June 2017, not seasonally adjusted. Among women, the number of employees was 2 347 000, and among men the number of employees increased by 49 000 to 2 361 000. The number of permanent employees increased by 81 000 to 3 864 000 in the same period. Among women, the number of permanent employees was 1 896 000. Among men, the number of permanent employees amounted to 1 968 000, an increase of 50 000. There were 844 000 temporary employees. Compared with nearby months, smoothed and seasonally adjusted data shows an increase in the total number of employees. The number of permanent employees increased and the number of temporary employees decreased slightly.

On average, the number of hours worked in June 2018 amounted to 158.3 million per week, not seasonally adjusted. Smoothed and seasonally adjusted data shows an increase in the number of hours worked per week compared with recent months. On average, the number of hours worked amounted to 156.3 million per week in June 2018.

In June 2018, the number of unemployed persons aged 15─74 was 403 000, not seasonally adjusted. This corresponds to an unemployment rate of 7.2 percent. There were 202 000 unemployed men and 201 000 unemployed women. The unemployment rate was 6.9 percent among men and 7.5 percent among women. Among young people aged 15─24 there were 177 000 unemployed people, of whom 85 000 were full-time students. The unemployment rate among young people was 23.7 percent. Among persons aged 15–74, smoothed and seasonally adjusted data shows small changes both in the number of unemployed persons and in the unemployment rate compared with nearby months. There were 336 000 unemployed persons in June 2018, which corresponds to an unemployment rate of 6.2 percent. Among young people aged 15─24, smoothed and seasonally adjusted data shows small changes in both the number of unemployed persons and the unemployment rate. There were 98 000 unemployed young people, which corresponds to an unemployment rate of 15.9 percent.

Number of employed aged 15–74 (thousands)
Labour Force Surveys (LFS), June 2018

Employment rate, persons aged 15–74 (percent)
Labour Force Surveys (LFS), June 2018

Number of unemployed aged 15–74 (thousands)
Labour Force Surveys (LFS), June 2018

Unemployment rate, persons aged 15–74 (percent)
Labour Force Surveys (LFS), June 2018

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2018-08-23 at 9:30.

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Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Labour Force Surveys

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171 54 Solna


Magda Tordenmalm

+46 10 479 43 64

Daniel Samuelsson

+46 10 479 49 78