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Salary search - How much do they earn?

Find the monthly salaries, before tax, in different occupations. You can then compare salaries by educational level, sex, age, and private and public sector. The salaries presented for different occupations are calculated as an average, without taking into account age distribution, experience, or responsibility.

The average salary is influenced by the sample of companies included in the statistical survey for the given year. For smaller occupations, this results in higher uncertainty in the data compared to larger occupations within a single year.

Search by occupation, for example 'nurse'

Showing 10 out of 19 occupational groups containing "nurse"

Occupation Women Men Total

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 45 100

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 45 200

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 44 700

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

45 200 44 700 45 100

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 33 200

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 33 200

per month

Men earn on average

SEK ..

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

33 200 .. 33 200

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 30 200

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 30 100

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 31 400

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

30 100 31 400 30 200

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 30 700

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 30 800

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 30 000

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

30 800 30 000 30 700

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 31 300

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 31 400

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 30 900

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

31 400 30 900 31 300

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 27 600

per month

Women earn on average

SEK ..

per month

Men earn on average

SEK ..

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

.. .. 27 600

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 40 900

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 41 000

per month

Men earn on average

SEK ..

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

41 000 .. 40 900

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 29 700

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 29 800

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 27 800

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

29 800 27 800 29 700

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 42 500

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 42 400

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 43 800

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

42 400 43 800 42 500

On average per month (before tax)

Key figures

For all sexes the average is

SEK 43 600

per month

Women earn on average

SEK 43 000

per month

Men earn on average

SEK 44 200

per month

Detailed numbers

Statistical database, Salary structures, whole economy, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Mediation Office

43 000 44 200 43 600