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Orderering regional statistical products

Statistics Sweden's regional statistical products combine statistics from many subject areas with different types of geographical divisions such as counties, municipalities, partial areas, DeSO and RegSO.

The products are developed by Statistics Sweden as commissioned work. We apply the principle of full cost coverage, which means that you pay for the actual cost of handling and producing the statistics.

Statistic Sweden´s pricing

Care Need Index (CNI)

CNI is a tool that uses socio-economic conditions to identify the risk of health. Among other things, it can be used by regions as support when calculating healthcare compensation.

Citizen Survey

In Statistics Sweden's citizen survey, the municipality's residents have the opportunity to express their opinion about their municipality and its activities.

Geospatial data processing and analysis

Through geographic processing and analysis, you can get customized data for planning and investigative activities.

Higher education statistics

Statistics Sweden can compile processed Higher education statistics at regional level.

Local economic analysis (LEA)

LEA is primarily aimed at local development projects, local development groups and village communities that want to develop their area.

Market Profiles

Market profiles give you the opportunity to use several subject areas at a low regional level.

Population projections

You can order Population projections that describe the future population of your region.

Population statistics by parishes

You can order detailed population statistics for parishes.

Resident Profiles

Housing profiles turns to private and municipally owned housing companies who want to know more about the residents in their housing.

Staff diversity

Staff diversity turns to you who want to know what your organization's composition looks like from a diversity perspective.

Statistical table package

Statistics Sweden's statistical table package is used by municipalities, among other things in regional and municipal planning.

Turnover statistics

The statistics report domestic turnover by industry and region and can be customized.

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