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Short-term statistics, wages and salaries, private sector

The survey mainly aims to illustrate the development of salary levels for blue collar and white collar workers within the private sector. The statistics are primarily used for assessment of the business sector and as a basis for analyses of trends in costs and competition in Sweden and in the EU. The survey is monthly and is conducted on behalf of the National Mediation Office.


The information to be submitted concerns among other things salaries, working hours, number of employees and any organisational changes.

A detailed description of requested information is available below for your convenience.

We also ask for contact information so we can reach you in case we have questions about the information you submit. If you register your e-mail address we can send you a reminder by e-mail every month when it is time to submit information. Otherwise we will send you this information via the postal service.

As of the 23 of April 2019 it will be possible to deliver the requested information by attaching a text file. Below you will find an item description for how this is done. Please contact your payroll system provider for more information!

Postal description (pdf)

The response process is done via a web form (link to the log-on page is in the menu to the right). At the start of the year we send a user name and password that applies for the entire year. Please contact us if you need a user name and password. You can log on as many times as you like and save your information each time so you don't have to fill in all the information at once.

In several pay systems it is possible to obtain these statistics as a report. If you use a report from the pay system, please be sure that the system has the correct settings. For instance, check to see that the employees are correctly registered, that the requested information is connected to the correct type of salary and that absences are registered. Contact your systems supplier if you have questions about this.

If you have already sent your information but need to make changes, please contact us and we will help you.

Time plan 2024

Last date
for reply
December 2023 15 January 2024
January 15 February
February 15 March
March 15 April
April 15 May
May 17 June
June 15 July
July 15 August
August 16 September
September 15 October
October 15 November
November 16 December
December 15 January 2025

Your response

There is an obligation to provide information for this survey according to the Official Statistics Act (2001:99).

The statistics are also regulated according to the Official Statistics Ordinance (2001:100) and National Mediation Office regulations (SCB-FS 2012:3 and SCB-FS 2019:21). The regulation (SCB-FS 2019:21) applies from the first of February and replaces the pervious regulation (SCB-FS 2019:21)

The information you submit is protected according to Chapter 24 Section 8 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400).

When the information is published, no single enterprise will be able to be identified. Consultation has taken place with The Board of Swedish Industry and Commerce for Better Regulation (NNR).

See also

The same information is also available in Swedish.


Information related to the coronavirus

Change of final response date

As of 2020, the final response date will be brought forward to around the 15th of the month after the measurement month.

More information (pdf) 

Contact us

+46 10 479 60 65
Opening hours:
Weekdays: 09:00–16:00
Closed for lunch: 12.00–13.00

Simple URL: