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Holdings and holders in agriculture

Official statistics of Sweden

Upcoming publishing: 2024-11-12

These statistics are the responsibility of:
Swedish Board of Agriculture

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Tables in the Statistical Database


Title Language Type Date
Holdings in the Farm Register and Business Register. Classification, employed in agricultural holdings and other gainful activities 2016 Swedish SM 2018-05-28
Agricultural holdings and holders in 2016 Swedish SM 2017-05-04
Holdings in the Farm Register and Business Register. Classifications, employed in the agricultural sectorand other gainful activities 2010 and 2013 Swedish with elements of English SM 2016-02-12
Agricultural holdings and holders in 2013 Swedish with elements of English SM 2014-05-05
Agriculturalholdings and holders in 2010 Swedish with elements of English SM 2011-05-10

Do you have questions about our statistics?

Swedish Board of Agriculture

+46 36 15 50 00

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