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Notes on Financial market statistics

Part 4, Growth rates



A reporting institution has revised their unsecured credits. This has affected the growth rate for consumption loans December 2022 – February 2023.



A reporting institution reclassified deposits from deposits with certain conditions to on-demand deposits. This means that the growth rate of the money supply M1 has been revised back to May 2019.



The growth rate of lending to households in table 4.1.1 contains lending from MFIs, mortgage credit companies and alternative investment funds (AIFs)  as of January 2019. 

The growth rate representing MFIs only is still reported. There is also a separate reporting for mortgage credit companies and AIFs with lending to households.  

A corresponding change has been made in  table 4.1.2 (Growth indices for ledning and money supply). 



The growth rate of loans to households for consumption, which also affects the growth rate of households’ total loans, is revised back to December 2018 due to new and updated information from MFIs.