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Ongoing projects abroad

Statistics Sweden contributes with knowledge and expertise to support capacity development of statistical systems in low- and middle-income countries. Here is a description of the projects and that we are currently working with around the world.


The project aims to support the Kenya Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) so that decision-makers can rely on reliable and quality-assured statistics to shape policies that contribute to improved living conditions for the population.

In recent years, the project has focused particularly on further developing quality work at KNBS and within the National Statistical System. IT infrastructure and key statistical products have also been in focus. In economic statistics, key products such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Consumer Price Index (CPI), and Producer Price Index (PPI) have been improved, providing a more reliable basis for decision-making related to the Kenyan economy. Furthermore, gender mainstreaming has increased within social statistics.


In 2024, a new project phase begins in the collaboration with the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS). It aims to increase the quality and efficiency of the statistical authority's work processes so that the organisation can produce reliable, high-quality statistics for its users. Another objective of the support to KAS is to facilitate closer ties with the EU by meeting statistical requirements. 

Between 2024 and 2027, Statistics Sweden will therefore contribute to capacity development at KAS in the areas of gender statistics, price statistics, register-based statistics, the statistical production process, and IT.


The project with the National Institute of Statistics of Mali (INSTAT) aims to improve the quality, accessibility, and analysis of statistics according to users' needs.

The collaboration has resulted in capacity development in the methodology of the Household Budget Survey (EMOP). Work has also been completed to develop a national Consumer Price Index for Mali. Support for the visualisation of environment statistics using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has resulted in the formation of an inter-agency expert group. Furthermore, the accessibility to produced statistics has improved through the launch of a bilingual statistical database.

The collaboration with INSTAT will end in 2024 due to the discontinuation of Sweden's development cooperation with Mali.

North Macedonia

The overall aim of the project with the State Statistical Office (SSO) is to increase the availability and use of official statistics in North Macedonia.

With support from the project, SSO is about to implement a system for planning and monitoring statistical production. Additionally, a statistical employment register has been implemented, which has already been used in several labour market surveys and is expected to contribute to increased quality, reduced costs, and reduced respondent burden. SSO now also compiles the Services Price Index on a regular basis and without support, enhancing the ability to analyse the development in the country's service sector.


In Somalia, Statistics Sweden collaborates with both the federal government's statistical directorate and the statistical offices in Puntland and Somaliland. The project aims to increase users' access to statistics, with the purpose of raising awareness, understanding, and confidence in the statistics among decision-makers.

The collaboration has led to the development of a national Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is now published monthly, as well as the annual publication of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The second editions of the publications "Women and Men in Somalia" and "Women and Men in Puntland" with gender statistics have also reached users. Furthermore, significant progress has been made in understanding household economic conditions through the extensive Household Budget Survey (SHBS) supported by the project. The SHBS is crucial for measuring poverty in the country.


Statistics Sweden collaborates with the Zambian statistical authority, ZamStats, aiming to increase the availability of relevant and reliable statistics based on users' needs. Through the collaboration with Statistics Sweden, ZamStats has strengthened its role as the coordinating authority for the National Statistical System in Zambia.

Additionally, the project has developed tools for statistical production, including statistical guidelines (Code of Practice) and a template for reporting the quality of published official statistics. Through the work with the Household Budget Survey, the project has supported ZamStats in developing advanced methodological competence within the authority. The collaboration has also promoted the use of alternative methods for data collection.

Regional project for migration statistics in Africa

The project aims to improve and harmonise migration statistics at regional and continental levels in Africa. Here, Statistics Sweden collaborates with the African Union's statistical body, StatAfric, and six selected economic communities on the continent.

Examples of results and activities include improved data collection from member countries on labour migration by strengthening knowledge of existing data, alternative data sources, and methods. For instance, established statistical methods to compensate for non-response have been introduced to improve migration statistics, which are published in reports at the national and regional levels. Coordination of migration statistics has also improved significantly, through collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), among others.