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Exports and imports by regions

The Swedish export and import of goods by regions (SEK million)

Region Exports Imports
  Value January-June Share
in %
in %
Value January-June Share
in %
in %
  2024 2023 2024 2024/2023 2024 2023 2024 2024/2023
TOTAL 1 056 388 1 062 795 100.0 ‑1 1 003 299 1 032 529 100.0 ‑3
Europe 766 676 782 225 72.6 ‑2 838 832 864 234 83.6 ‑3
EU27_2020 574 308 591 876 54.4 ‑3 673 145 694 494 67.1 ‑3
EMU-20 441 271 453 607 41.8 ‑3 527 220 547 519 52.5 ‑4
Rest of Europe 192 368 190 349 18.2 1 165 687 169 740 16.5 ‑2
Africa 20 931 18 701 2.0 12 11 192 11 348 1.1 ‑1
North Africa 10 856 8 452 1.0 28 4 810 3 123 0.5 54
West Africa 1 557 2 287 0.1 ‑32 5 241 5 552 0.5 ‑6
Central, East and Southern Africa 8 518 7 962 0.8 7 1 141 2 673 0.1 ‑57
America 133 247 131 603 12.6 1 53 366 50 159 5.3 6
North America 112 203 108 992 10.6 3 40 877 42 354 4.1 ‑3
Central and South America 21 044 22 610 2.0 ‑7 12 489 7 806 1.2 60
Asia 119 334 115 157 11.3 4 97 450 101 756 9.7 ‑4
Middle- and Near East 20 484 18 891 1.9 8 6 804 6 097 0.7 12
Other countries in Asia 98 850 96 267 9.4 3 90 646 95 659 9.0 ‑5
Oceania and Antarktis 12 392 11 010 1.2 13 2 459 4 987 0.2 ‑51

Definitions and explanations

The statistics about the Swedish foreign trade with other EU countries are missing information about the country of origin. As a consequence the information about partner country on imports is equal to the country of consignment in the Swedish foreign trade in goods statistics. Commodities which originate from a non-EU country but are imported to EU (properly EC) via another EU country get this EU country as the country of consignment in the Swedish import statistics. Therefore one may claim that the information about the Swedish import from EU is overestimated.

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Official Statistics of Sweden
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