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Producer and import price index

Official statistics of Sweden

Upcoming publishing: 2024-09-25

This index shows the average price trend at the producer and import stage, in total and by different product groups in accordance with SPIN 2015. Prices are measured in the first phase of distribution when the goods are delivered from Swedish producers and when goods enter into Sweden.

Key figures for Sweden

Producer Price Index


Index 2020=100

Reference period: July 2024

-0.1 %

compared with the same period previous year

Import Price Index


Index 2020=100

Reference period: July 2024

-2.2 %

compared with the same period previous year

Export Price Index


Index 2020=100

Reference period: July 2024

-1.7 %

compared with the same period previous year

Producer Price Index, home sales


Index 2020=100

Reference period: July 2024

1.4 %

compared with the same period previous year

Price Index for domestic supply


Index 2020=100

Reference period: July 2024

-0.5 %

compared with the same period previous year

Services Producer Price Index


Index 2020=100

Reference period: 2nd quarter 2024

3.1 %

compared with the same period previous year

Statistical news

Price decreases in all markets in July 2024


The Producer Price Index decreased by 1.4 percent in July compared to June 2024. On both the export and import market prices decreased by 2.0 percent. On the domestic market, prices decreased by 0.8 percent. The annual rate according to the Producer Price Index was -0.1 percent in July (0.8 percent in June).

All statistical news for this statistic

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database



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